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Stephen Rossi Quoted in Bloomberg Law 

Bloomberg Law
June 25, 2024

MSK Partner Stephen Rossi was quoted in the article, "Uber Luxury Drivers Dispute Will Ripple Beyond Trial’s Endgame," published by Bloomberg Law on June 25, 2024. The article discusses a worker classification trial involving whether former Uber drivers were wrongly classified as independent contractors that is poised to have major implications for the gig economy once it is decided. 

From the article... 

"Steve Rossi of Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp said the ruling could serve as another arrow in the quiver for parties involved in worker classification disputes.

'I think that probably what’s going to happen at the end of this is whoever wins is going to say, ‘This is a watershed verdict, first of its kind, super important,’' Rossi said. 'And then whoever loses is going to water it down and say, ‘No, it’s just one, you know, sort of one data point among many.’'" 

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