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Gary McLaughlin Quoted in Law360 Employment Authority 

Law360 Employment Authority 
May 24, 2024

MSK Partner Gary McLaughlin was quoted in the article, "4 Places That Are Leading The Gig Worker Pay Push," published by Law360 Employment Authority on May 24, 2024. The article discusses cities and states that have minimum wage requirements in place for certain gig workers (which are workers who are typically classified as independent contractors). 

From the article...

"Gary McLaughlin of management-side firm Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP described this as a 'trade-off.'

'Companies get the benefit of treating these individuals as independent contractors and removing any doubt in the law regarding that, and then in exchange they provide certain minimum benefits,” he said. “It’s definitely very good for these employers, because [for] the ride-share and app-based-type gig companies, their whole business model depends on the ability to treat these individuals as independent contractors.'"

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